What We Do

Financial Support

As part of the project, the HCL provides access to financial support for the creation or development of microprojects. The HCL purchases the necessary equipment, taking the best price-quality ratio into consideration, and the beneficiary reimburses 80% (Under certain conditions) of the amount in Lebanese Lira. In light of the perpetual increase of the dollar rate in comparison to the Lebanese lira, the payment rate is fixed on the day of the agreement signature and is always to the benefit of the beneficiary.

The duration of reimbursement is 3 years, on average, and can be extended to 5 years depending on the vulnerability status of the beneficiary and the total amount requested.

Project Itinerary

  • Application submission

  • Selection committees

  • Agreement signature

  • Specific training

  • Purchasing of materials

  • Monitoring and coaching

  • Needs assessment

  • Tailored coaching and trainings

Selection Criteria

  • Eligibility check

  • Project feasibility study

  • Study of the vulnerability
    status of the person

  • Examine the credibility
    of the person

What We Do

Capacity Building

The project aims at the same time to strengthen the capacities of the microprojects’ creators and developers. The HCL provides trainings on entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and soft skills, as well as tailored individual coaching through an online application on different subjects such as: Accounting, costing and pricing, marketing, financial planning, negotiation etc. Throughout the reimbursement period, the HCL team conducts regular monitoring visits to the beneficiary’s workplace and is always available for assistance through calls, emails or messages.

Also, technical/vocational trainings (plumbing, electricity, etc.) are available to HCL’s beneficiaries, with one of our partners (IECD- Semeurs d’avenir), to support them in creating their professional income generating activity.

Projects Of The Month

George El Khoury, The Spirit Man, embodies resilience and entrepreneurial spirit. Overcoming life's challenges, he emerged as the driving force behind a premium spirits brand. With determination and the support of the Hope Center, he acquired a distillery, turning his dream into reality. George's journey reflects the power of perseverance and community support in achieving success

Food & Beverages